44 research outputs found

    Hardware runtime management for task-based programming models

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    Task-based programming models allow programmers to express applications as a collection of tasks with dependences. They are simple to use and greatly improve programmability by using software runtimes to exploit task parallelism and heterogeneity over multi-core, many-core and heterogeneous platforms. In these programming models, the runtimes guarantee correct execution order by managing tasks using task-dependence graphs (TDGs). These runtimes are powerful enough to provide high performance with coarse-grained tasks although they impose overheads on the application execution to maintain all the information they need to do their work. However, as the current trend in processor architectures keeps including more cores and heterogeneity (in fact complexity) in the systems, coarse-grained parallelism is not enough to feed all the underlying resources. Instead, fine-grained tasks are preferable as they are able to expose higher parallelism in applications but the overheads introduced by the software runtimes under these conditions prevent an efficient exploitation of fine-grained parallelism. The two most critical runtime overheads are task dependence graph management and task scheduling to heterogeneous systems. We propose a hardware architecture Picos, consisting of a hardware task dependence manager including nested task support, and a heterogeneous task scheduler, to accelerate the critical runtime functions for task-based programming models. With Picos, we aim at extending the benefit of these programming models into exploiting fine-grained task parallelism and heterogeneity. As a proof-of-concept, Three prototypes of Picos have been designed in VHDL and implemented in a System-on-chip platform consisting of regular ARM SMP cores and an integrated FPGA. They also have been analyzed with real benchmarks with OmpSs running and Linux on the platform. The first prototype is a hardware task dependence manager, which has been implemented in a Xilinx Zynq 7000 series SoCs. It is connected to a 2-core ARM Cortex A9 processor, with bare-metal OS integration. With 24 simulated workers, and running real task-dependence analysis in Picos, it scales up to 21x speedup. The second prototype Picos++ extended Picos with an exciting new feature for nested task support in hardware. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that such a feature has been support fully in hardware task dependence managers. This prototype is fully integrated in not only hardware, but also with a State-of-the-Art parallel programming model, and with Linux. The third prototype includes both a hardware task dependence manager and a heterogeneous task scheduler. The heterogeneous task scheduler receives ready tasks from the task-dependence manager and then schedule them to hardware execution units that have the estimated earliest finish time. It is implemented in a Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC chip. In a system with 4 threads and up to 15 HW accelerators, it achieves up to 16.2x speedup for real benchmarks, and saves up to 90% of energy.Los modelos de programación basados en tareas permiten a los programadores expresar las aplicaciones como una colección de tareas con dependencias entre ellas. Dichos modelos son simples de usar y mejoran enormemente la programabilidad. Para ello se valen del uso de una runtime que en tiempo de ejecución ayuda a explotar el paralelismo de las tareas cuando se ejecutan en plataformas multi-cores, many-cores y heterogéneas. En estos modelos de programación los runtimes garantizan la ejecución de las tareas en el orden correcto mediante el uso de gráficos de dependencias entre tareas (TDG). Actualmente, los runtimes son lo suficientemente potentes para proporcionar un alto rendimiento con tareas de granularidad gruesa a pesar de que para mantener toda la información que necesitan para hacer su trabajo, introducen un sobrecoste importante en la ejecución de las aplicaciones. El problema viene dado por la tendencia actual en arquitectura de computadores a seguir incluyendo más núcleos y heterogeneidad (de hecho, complejidad) en los sistemas de procesado con lo que el paralelismo de granularidad gruesa no es suficiente para alimentar todos los recursos. En estos entornos complejos las tareas de granularidad fina son preferibles ya que son capaces de exponer un mayor paralelismo de las aplicaciones. Sin embargo, con tareas de granularidad fina, los sobrecostes introducidos por los runtimes software son mayores debido a la necesidad de manejar muchas más tareas más rápido. En general los mayores sobrecostes introducidos por los runtimes son: la administración de los grafos de dependencias que relacionan las tareas y la gestión de las tareas en sistemas heterogéneos. Proponemos una arquitectura hardware, llamada Picos, que consiste en un administrador de dependencias entre tareas incluyendo soporte para tareas anidadas y planificación de tareas heterogéneas. La función principal de dicha arquitectura es acelerar las funciones críticas de los runtimes para modelos de programación basados en tareas. Con Picos, se pretende extender el beneficio de estos modelos de programación para explotar el paralelismo y la heterogeneidad ejecutando tareas de granularidad fina. Como prueba de concepto, tres prototipos de Picos han sido diseñado en VHDL e implementado en una plataforma System-on-chip que consta de varios núcleos ARM integrados junto con una FPGA, y ademas analizados con ejecuciones reales con OmpSs y con Linux. El primer prototipo es un administrador hardware de tareas con dependencias, que se ha implementado en un SoC Xilinx Zynq serie 7000. Está conectado a un procesador ARM Cortex A9 de 2 núcleos, e integrado con el SO. Con 24 núcleos simulados y realizando el análisis real de las dependencias entre tareas en Picos, obtiene hasta un 21x sobre las mismas ejecuciones usando el entorno software. El segundo prototipo, Picos++, amplió Picos incorporando el soporte para la gestión de tareas anidadas en hardware. Hasta donde llega nuestro conocimiento, esta es la primera vez que dicha característica ha sido propuesta y/o incorporada en un administrador hardware de dependencias entre tareas. El segundo prototipo está completamente integrado en el sistema, no solo en hardware, sino también con el modelo de programación paralelo y con el sistema operativo. El tercer prototipo, incluye un administrador y planificador de tareas heterogéneas. El planificador de tareas heterogéneas recibe dichas tareas listas del administrador de dependencias entre tareas y las programa en la unidad de ejecución de hardware adecuada que tenga el tiempo de finalización estimado más corto. Este prototipo se ha implementado en un chip MPSoC Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+. En dicho sistema con cuatro núcleos ARM y hasta 15 aceleradores HW funcionales, logra una aceleración de hasta 16.2x, y ahorra hasta el 90% de la energía con respecto al software

    Hardware runtime management for task-based programming models

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    Task-based programming models allow programmers to express applications as a collection of tasks with dependences. They are simple to use and greatly improve programmability by using software runtimes to exploit task parallelism and heterogeneity over multi-core, many-core and heterogeneous platforms. In these programming models, the runtimes guarantee correct execution order by managing tasks using task-dependence graphs (TDGs). These runtimes are powerful enough to provide high performance with coarse-grained tasks although they impose overheads on the application execution to maintain all the information they need to do their work. However, as the current trend in processor architectures keeps including more cores and heterogeneity (in fact complexity) in the systems, coarse-grained parallelism is not enough to feed all the underlying resources. Instead, fine-grained tasks are preferable as they are able to expose higher parallelism in applications but the overheads introduced by the software runtimes under these conditions prevent an efficient exploitation of fine-grained parallelism. The two most critical runtime overheads are task dependence graph management and task scheduling to heterogeneous systems. We propose a hardware architecture Picos, consisting of a hardware task dependence manager including nested task support, and a heterogeneous task scheduler, to accelerate the critical runtime functions for task-based programming models. With Picos, we aim at extending the benefit of these programming models into exploiting fine-grained task parallelism and heterogeneity. As a proof-of-concept, Three prototypes of Picos have been designed in VHDL and implemented in a System-on-chip platform consisting of regular ARM SMP cores and an integrated FPGA. They also have been analyzed with real benchmarks with OmpSs running and Linux on the platform. The first prototype is a hardware task dependence manager, which has been implemented in a Xilinx Zynq 7000 series SoCs. It is connected to a 2-core ARM Cortex A9 processor, with bare-metal OS integration. With 24 simulated workers, and running real task-dependence analysis in Picos, it scales up to 21x speedup. The second prototype Picos++ extended Picos with an exciting new feature for nested task support in hardware. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that such a feature has been support fully in hardware task dependence managers. This prototype is fully integrated in not only hardware, but also with a State-of-the-Art parallel programming model, and with Linux. The third prototype includes both a hardware task dependence manager and a heterogeneous task scheduler. The heterogeneous task scheduler receives ready tasks from the task-dependence manager and then schedule them to hardware execution units that have the estimated earliest finish time. It is implemented in a Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC chip. In a system with 4 threads and up to 15 HW accelerators, it achieves up to 16.2x speedup for real benchmarks, and saves up to 90% of energy.Los modelos de programación basados en tareas permiten a los programadores expresar las aplicaciones como una colección de tareas con dependencias entre ellas. Dichos modelos son simples de usar y mejoran enormemente la programabilidad. Para ello se valen del uso de una runtime que en tiempo de ejecución ayuda a explotar el paralelismo de las tareas cuando se ejecutan en plataformas multi-cores, many-cores y heterogéneas. En estos modelos de programación los runtimes garantizan la ejecución de las tareas en el orden correcto mediante el uso de gráficos de dependencias entre tareas (TDG). Actualmente, los runtimes son lo suficientemente potentes para proporcionar un alto rendimiento con tareas de granularidad gruesa a pesar de que para mantener toda la información que necesitan para hacer su trabajo, introducen un sobrecoste importante en la ejecución de las aplicaciones. El problema viene dado por la tendencia actual en arquitectura de computadores a seguir incluyendo más núcleos y heterogeneidad (de hecho, complejidad) en los sistemas de procesado con lo que el paralelismo de granularidad gruesa no es suficiente para alimentar todos los recursos. En estos entornos complejos las tareas de granularidad fina son preferibles ya que son capaces de exponer un mayor paralelismo de las aplicaciones. Sin embargo, con tareas de granularidad fina, los sobrecostes introducidos por los runtimes software son mayores debido a la necesidad de manejar muchas más tareas más rápido. En general los mayores sobrecostes introducidos por los runtimes son: la administración de los grafos de dependencias que relacionan las tareas y la gestión de las tareas en sistemas heterogéneos. Proponemos una arquitectura hardware, llamada Picos, que consiste en un administrador de dependencias entre tareas incluyendo soporte para tareas anidadas y planificación de tareas heterogéneas. La función principal de dicha arquitectura es acelerar las funciones críticas de los runtimes para modelos de programación basados en tareas. Con Picos, se pretende extender el beneficio de estos modelos de programación para explotar el paralelismo y la heterogeneidad ejecutando tareas de granularidad fina. Como prueba de concepto, tres prototipos de Picos han sido diseñado en VHDL e implementado en una plataforma System-on-chip que consta de varios núcleos ARM integrados junto con una FPGA, y ademas analizados con ejecuciones reales con OmpSs y con Linux. El primer prototipo es un administrador hardware de tareas con dependencias, que se ha implementado en un SoC Xilinx Zynq serie 7000. Está conectado a un procesador ARM Cortex A9 de 2 núcleos, e integrado con el SO. Con 24 núcleos simulados y realizando el análisis real de las dependencias entre tareas en Picos, obtiene hasta un 21x sobre las mismas ejecuciones usando el entorno software. El segundo prototipo, Picos++, amplió Picos incorporando el soporte para la gestión de tareas anidadas en hardware. Hasta donde llega nuestro conocimiento, esta es la primera vez que dicha característica ha sido propuesta y/o incorporada en un administrador hardware de dependencias entre tareas. El segundo prototipo está completamente integrado en el sistema, no solo en hardware, sino también con el modelo de programación paralelo y con el sistema operativo. El tercer prototipo, incluye un administrador y planificador de tareas heterogéneas. El planificador de tareas heterogéneas recibe dichas tareas listas del administrador de dependencias entre tareas y las programa en la unidad de ejecución de hardware adecuada que tenga el tiempo de finalización estimado más corto. Este prototipo se ha implementado en un chip MPSoC Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+. En dicho sistema con cuatro núcleos ARM y hasta 15 aceleradores HW funcionales, logra una aceleración de hasta 16.2x, y ahorra hasta el 90% de la energía con respecto al software.Postprint (published version

    Performance analysis of a hardware accelerator of dependence management for taskbased dataflow programming models

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    Along with the popularity of multicore and manycore, task-based dataflow programming models obtain great attention for being able to extract high parallelism from applications without exposing the complexity to programmers. One of these pioneers is the OpenMP Superscalar (OmpSs). By implementing dynamic task dependence analysis, dataflow scheduling and out-of-order execution in runtime, OmpSs achieves high performance using coarse and medium granularity tasks. In theory, for the same application, the more parallel tasks can be exposed, the higher possible speedup can be achieved. Yet this factor is limited by task granularity, up to a point where the runtime overhead outweighs the performance increase and slows down the application. To overcome this handicap, Picos was proposed to support task-based dataflow programming models like OmpSs as a fast hardware accelerator for fine-grained task and dependence management, and a simulator was developed to perform design space exploration. This paper presents the very first functional hardware prototype inspired by Picos. An embedded system based on a Zynq 7000 All-Programmable SoC is developed to study its capabilities and possible bottlenecks. Initial scalability and hardware consumption studies of different Picos designs are performed to find the one with the highest performance and lowest hardware cost. A further thorough performance study is employed on both the prototype with the most balanced configuration and the OmpSs software-only alternative. Results show that our OmpSs runtime hardware support significantly outperforms the software-only implementation currently available in the runtime system for finegrained tasks.This work is supported by the Spanish Government through Programa Severo Ochoa (SEV-2015-0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through TIN2015-65316-P project, by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272) and by the European Research Council RoMoL Grant Agreement number 321253. We also thank the Xilinx University Program for its hardware and software donations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Task dependences management hardware acceleration for task-based dataflow programming models

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    Task-based programming models have gained a lot of attention for being able to explore high parallelism over multicore and manycore, while hiding the difficulties of parallel programming. For applications with moderate size tasks, performance gains are assured by using these programming models. While for more parallelism by using smaller and more tasks, the performance degrades as a result of runtime overheads. To speed up the runtime, we present a hardware accelerator, Picos Hardware to accelerate task dependence management and scheduling. In this work, we show the performance of the first Picos Hardware prototype realized in a Zynq 7000 All-Programmable SoC by using real benchmarks. Results show that our hardware support greatly outperforms the software-only implementation currentlyavailable in the runtime system for fine-grained tasks

    A hardware runtime for task-based programming models

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Task-based programming models such as OpenMP 5.0 and OmpSs are simple to use and powerful enough to exploit task parallelism of applications over multicore, manycore and heterogeneous systems. However, their software-only runtimes introduce relevant overhead when targeting fine-grained tasks, resulting in performance losses. To overcome this drawback, we present a hardware runtime Picos++ that accelerates critical runtime functions such as task dependence analysis, nested task support, and heterogeneous task scheduling. As a proof-of-concept, the Picos++ hardware runtime has been integrated with a compiler infrastructure that supports parallel task-based programming models. A FPGA SoC running Linux OS has been used to implement the hardware accelerated part of Picos++, integrated with a heterogeneous system composed of 4 symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) cores and several hardware functional accelerators (HwAccs) for task execution. Results show significant improvements on energy and performance compared to state-of-the-art parallel software-only runtimes. With Picos++, applications can achieve up to 7.6x speedup and save up to 90 percent of energy, when using 4 threads and up to 4 HwAccs, and even reach a speedup of 16x over the software alternative when using 12 HwAccs and small tasks.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Application Acceleration on FPGAs with OmpSs@FPGA

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.OmpSs@FPGA is the flavor of OmpSs that allows offloading application functionality to FPGAs. Similarly to OpenMP, it is based on compiler directives. While the OpenMP specification also includes support for heterogeneous execution, we use OmpSs and OmpSs@FPGA as prototype implementation to develop new ideas for OpenMP. OmpSs@FPGA implements the tasking model with runtime support to automatically exploit all SMP and FPGA resources available in the execution platform. In this paper, we present the OmpSs@FPGA ecosystem, based on the Mercurium compiler and the Nanos++ runtime system. We show how the applications are transformed to run on the SMP cores and the FPGA. The application kernels defined as tasks to be accelerated, using the OmpSs directives are: 1) transformed by the compiler into kernels connected with the proper synchronization and communication ports, 2) extracted to intermediate files, 3) compiled through the FPGA vendor HLS tool, and 4) used to configure the FPGA. Our Nanos++ runtime system schedules the application tasks on the platform, being able to use the SMP cores and the FPGA accelerators at the same time. We present the evaluation of the OmpSs@FPGA environment with the Matrix Multiplication, Cholesky and N-Body benchmarks, showing the internal details of the execution, and the performance obtained on a Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC (up to 128x). The source code uses OmpSs@FPGA annotations and different Vivado HLS optimization directives are applied for acceleration.This work is partially supported by the European Union H2020 program through the EuroEXA project (grant 754337), and HiPEAC (GA 687698), by the Spanish Government through Programa Severo Ochoa (SEV-2015- 0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (TIN2015-65316-P) and the Departament d’Innovació Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, under project MPEXPAR: Models de Programació i Entorns d’Execució Paral·lels (2014-SGR-1051).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Picos, a hardware task-dependence manager for task-based dataflow programming models

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    Task-based programming Task-based programming models such as OpenMP, Intel TBB and OmpSs are widely used to extract high level of parallelism of applications executed on multi-core and manycore platforms. These programming models allow applications to be expressed as a set of tasks with dependences to drive their execution at runtime. While managing these dependences for task with coarse granularity proves to be highly beneficial, it introduces noticeable overheads when targeting fine-grained tasks, diminishing the potential speedups or even introducing performance losses. To overcome this drawback, we propose a hardware/software co-design Picos that manages inter-task dependences efficiently. In this paper we describe the main ideas of our proposal and a prototype implementation. This prototype is integrated with a parallel task- based programming model and evaluated with real executions in Linux embedded system with two ARM Cortex-A9 and a FPGA. When compared with a software runtime, our solution results in more than 1.8x speedup and 40% of energy savings with only 2 threads.This work is supported by the projects SEV-2015-0493 and TIN2015-65316-P, by the project 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272, by the RoMoL GA 321253 and by the project cooperation agreement with LG Electronics, and thank the Xilinx University Program.Postprint (published version

    Association Between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in PPARA and EPAS1 Genes and High-Altitude Appetite Loss in Chinese Young Men

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    Appetite loss is a common symptom that occurs in high altitude (HA) for lowlanders. Previous studies indicated that hypoxia is the initiating vital factor of HA appetite loss. PPARA, EPAS1, EGLN1, HIF1A, HIF1AN, and NFE2L2 play important roles in hypoxic responses. We aimed to explore the association of these hypoxia-related gene polymorphisms with HA appetite loss. In this study, we enrolled 416 young men who rapidly ascended to Lhasa (3700 m) from Chengdu (<500m) by plane. PPARA, EPAS1, EGLN1, HIF1A, HIF1AN, and NFE2L2 were genotyped by MassARRAY. Appetite scores were measured to identify HA appetite loss. Logistic regression and multiple genetic models were tested to evaluate the association between the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and risk of HA appetite loss in crude and adjusted (age and SaO2) analysis. Subsequently, Haploview software was used to analyze the linkage disequilibrium (LD), haplotype construction and the association of diverse haplotypes with the risk of HA appetite loss. Our results revealed that allele “A” in PPARA rs4253747 was significantly associated with the increased risk of HA appetite loss. Codominant, dominant, recessive, and log-additive models of PPARA rs4253747 showed the increased risk of HA appetite loss in the crude and adjusted analysis. However, only dominant, overdominant, and log-additive models of EPAS1 rs6756667 showed decreased risk of HA appetite loss in the crude and adjusted analysis. Moreover, the results from haplotype-based test showed that the rs7292407-rs6520015 haplotype “AC” was associated with HA appetite loss in the crude analysis rather than the adjusted analysis. In this study, we first established the association of SNPs in PPARA (rs4253747) and EPAS1 (rs6756667) genes with susceptibility to HA appetite loss in Han Chinese young men. These findings provide novel insights into understanding the mechanisms involved in HA appetite loss

    A Comprehensive Pan-Cancer Molecular Study of Gynecologic and Breast Cancers

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    We analyzed molecular data on 2,579 tumors from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) of four gynecological types plus breast. Our aims were to identify shared and unique molecular features, clinically significant subtypes, and potential therapeutic targets. We found 61 somatic copy-number alterations (SCNAs) and 46 significantly mutated genes (SMGs). Eleven SCNAs and 11 SMGs had not been identified in previous TCGA studies of the individual tumor types. We found functionally significant estrogen receptor-regulated long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and gene/lncRNA interaction networks. Pathway analysis identified subtypes with high leukocyte infiltration, raising potential implications for immunotherapy. Using 16 key molecular features, we identified five prognostic subtypes and developed a decision tree that classified patients into the subtypes based on just six features that are assessable in clinical laboratories. By performing molecular analyses of 2,579 TCGA gynecological (OV, UCEC, CESC, and UCS) and breast tumors, Berger et al. identify five prognostic subtypes using 16 key molecular features and propose a decision tree based on six clinically assessable features that classifies patients into the subtypes

    Hardware runtime management for task-based programming models

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    Task-based programming models allow programmers to express applications as a collection of tasks with dependences. They are simple to use and greatly improve programmability by using software runtimes to exploit task parallelism and heterogeneity over multi-core, many-core and heterogeneous platforms. In these programming models, the runtimes guarantee correct execution order by managing tasks using task-dependence graphs (TDGs). These runtimes are powerful enough to provide high performance with coarse-grained tasks although they impose overheads on the application execution to maintain all the information they need to do their work. However, as the current trend in processor architectures keeps including more cores and heterogeneity (in fact complexity) in the systems, coarse-grained parallelism is not enough to feed all the underlying resources. Instead, fine-grained tasks are preferable as they are able to expose higher parallelism in applications but the overheads introduced by the software runtimes under these conditions prevent an efficient exploitation of fine-grained parallelism. The two most critical runtime overheads are task dependence graph management and task scheduling to heterogeneous systems. We propose a hardware architecture Picos, consisting of a hardware task dependence manager including nested task support, and a heterogeneous task scheduler, to accelerate the critical runtime functions for task-based programming models. With Picos, we aim at extending the benefit of these programming models into exploiting fine-grained task parallelism and heterogeneity. As a proof-of-concept, Three prototypes of Picos have been designed in VHDL and implemented in a System-on-chip platform consisting of regular ARM SMP cores and an integrated FPGA. They also have been analyzed with real benchmarks with OmpSs running and Linux on the platform. The first prototype is a hardware task dependence manager, which has been implemented in a Xilinx Zynq 7000 series SoCs. It is connected to a 2-core ARM Cortex A9 processor, with bare-metal OS integration. With 24 simulated workers, and running real task-dependence analysis in Picos, it scales up to 21x speedup. The second prototype Picos++ extended Picos with an exciting new feature for nested task support in hardware. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that such a feature has been support fully in hardware task dependence managers. This prototype is fully integrated in not only hardware, but also with a State-of-the-Art parallel programming model, and with Linux. The third prototype includes both a hardware task dependence manager and a heterogeneous task scheduler. The heterogeneous task scheduler receives ready tasks from the task-dependence manager and then schedule them to hardware execution units that have the estimated earliest finish time. It is implemented in a Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC chip. In a system with 4 threads and up to 15 HW accelerators, it achieves up to 16.2x speedup for real benchmarks, and saves up to 90% of energy.Los modelos de programación basados en tareas permiten a los programadores expresar las aplicaciones como una colección de tareas con dependencias entre ellas. Dichos modelos son simples de usar y mejoran enormemente la programabilidad. Para ello se valen del uso de una runtime que en tiempo de ejecución ayuda a explotar el paralelismo de las tareas cuando se ejecutan en plataformas multi-cores, many-cores y heterogéneas. En estos modelos de programación los runtimes garantizan la ejecución de las tareas en el orden correcto mediante el uso de gráficos de dependencias entre tareas (TDG). Actualmente, los runtimes son lo suficientemente potentes para proporcionar un alto rendimiento con tareas de granularidad gruesa a pesar de que para mantener toda la información que necesitan para hacer su trabajo, introducen un sobrecoste importante en la ejecución de las aplicaciones. El problema viene dado por la tendencia actual en arquitectura de computadores a seguir incluyendo más núcleos y heterogeneidad (de hecho, complejidad) en los sistemas de procesado con lo que el paralelismo de granularidad gruesa no es suficiente para alimentar todos los recursos. En estos entornos complejos las tareas de granularidad fina son preferibles ya que son capaces de exponer un mayor paralelismo de las aplicaciones. Sin embargo, con tareas de granularidad fina, los sobrecostes introducidos por los runtimes software son mayores debido a la necesidad de manejar muchas más tareas más rápido. En general los mayores sobrecostes introducidos por los runtimes son: la administración de los grafos de dependencias que relacionan las tareas y la gestión de las tareas en sistemas heterogéneos. Proponemos una arquitectura hardware, llamada Picos, que consiste en un administrador de dependencias entre tareas incluyendo soporte para tareas anidadas y planificación de tareas heterogéneas. La función principal de dicha arquitectura es acelerar las funciones críticas de los runtimes para modelos de programación basados en tareas. Con Picos, se pretende extender el beneficio de estos modelos de programación para explotar el paralelismo y la heterogeneidad ejecutando tareas de granularidad fina. Como prueba de concepto, tres prototipos de Picos han sido diseñado en VHDL e implementado en una plataforma System-on-chip que consta de varios núcleos ARM integrados junto con una FPGA, y ademas analizados con ejecuciones reales con OmpSs y con Linux. El primer prototipo es un administrador hardware de tareas con dependencias, que se ha implementado en un SoC Xilinx Zynq serie 7000. Está conectado a un procesador ARM Cortex A9 de 2 núcleos, e integrado con el SO. Con 24 núcleos simulados y realizando el análisis real de las dependencias entre tareas en Picos, obtiene hasta un 21x sobre las mismas ejecuciones usando el entorno software. El segundo prototipo, Picos++, amplió Picos incorporando el soporte para la gestión de tareas anidadas en hardware. Hasta donde llega nuestro conocimiento, esta es la primera vez que dicha característica ha sido propuesta y/o incorporada en un administrador hardware de dependencias entre tareas. El segundo prototipo está completamente integrado en el sistema, no solo en hardware, sino también con el modelo de programación paralelo y con el sistema operativo. El tercer prototipo, incluye un administrador y planificador de tareas heterogéneas. El planificador de tareas heterogéneas recibe dichas tareas listas del administrador de dependencias entre tareas y las programa en la unidad de ejecución de hardware adecuada que tenga el tiempo de finalización estimado más corto. Este prototipo se ha implementado en un chip MPSoC Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+. En dicho sistema con cuatro núcleos ARM y hasta 15 aceleradores HW funcionales, logra una aceleración de hasta 16.2x, y ahorra hasta el 90% de la energía con respecto al software